Choosing the Perfect Metal Curtain Pole:
Expert Buying Guide

If you’re looking for help in choosing the best metal curtain pole for your property, but you’re not sure where to start, then you’re in exactly the right place. Our curtain pole experts have created this extensive pole buying guide, so you can buy your next metal curtain pole with confidence.

How to choose a metal curtain pole

Our expert buying guide covers everything from choosing the best style and colour pole, to how to fit your metal pole and any after care required. Here’s everything you need to know when buying a metal curtain pole.

What is a metal curtain pole?

A metal curtain pole is a device used to suspend curtains above a window. It is usually made out of brass or chrome but can also be painted and provided in various finishes and colours. 

Is a metal curtain pole a good choice?

If you’re wondering whether a metal curtain pole is the best choice for your home, then there are a few reasons why we’d say; absolutely.

Firstly, metal curtain poles tend to be more durable than wood curtain poles, plus they can handle heavier curtains. Not only that, but despite their durability, they’re also usually very lightweight - which makes fitting them more manageable.

Another benefit of a metal curtain pole, is the metals malleable ability to be shaped into whatever you need - ideal for those who have more unusual or awkward placed windows

Choosing a metal curtain pole

Which finish and colour pole should I choose?

An integral part of choosing your metal curtain pole is deciding on it’s colour and finish. When chosen right, a metal pole can create a stunning feature in your home, so long as it compliments the interior design of the room it will be in. Here’s a breakdown of all the colour options available for metal poles, with something available for everyone’s taste and style.

Brass metal curtain poles
The brass metal curtain pole is an ideal choice for creating a more antique, regal look in your home.

Chrome metal curtain poles
Chrome metal poles work well in more modern and minimalist style interiors.

Black metal curtain poles
Black metal curtain poles can add a contemporary touch to your home, or when paired with the right curtains, can even create a more gothic luxury interior look.

Silver metal curtain poles
Choose a silver metal curtain pole if you want to add an industrial chic feel to your room.

Graphite metal curtain poles
The graphite metal pole perfectly complements more modern and contemporary style interiors.

What size diameter do I need for my metal curtain pole?

Metal curtain poles are typically provided in three set diameters, these are:

  • 19mm
  • 28mm
  • 35mm

The diameter you choose depends on the weight of your curtains.

What is the best metal curtain pole for my curtain weight?

Whilst metal curtain poles tend to be able to carry more weight than a wooden curtain pole, they do still have their limits demanding on what the diameter of the pole is.

For lightweight curtains, usually between 0 to 2kg, then a 19mm diameter pole is usually most suitable.

Light to Medium
For light to medium weight curtains, usually between 1kg to 3.5kg, a 19mm diameter is also recommended.

Medium to Heavy
When using medium to heavy weight curtains, usually between 3.5kg to 6kg, then a 28mm diameter is generally the most suitable, but for those on the higher end of the scale (over 11kg) then you’ll need to consider buying a 35mm pole.

Thankfully the Curtain Pole Store has a wide variety of curtain poles across all diameter lengths.

How do I find out what length I need for my metal curtain pole?

To find the ideal metal curtain pole length for your window area, take the following steps:

  1. Measure the recess width of your window.
  2. Measure the space either side of this window width (as this will be the area where your curtains will pull back to).

Make sure you give yourself enough space for the curtains to sit comfortably at either side of the window without having to block any of the window frame. A typical example of a window width would be 15-20cms.

Expert Tip: Be sure to leave enough space for your pole finials!

Once you have your ideal length you can now choose either one or 2 poles to cover your window area (we’ll explain how to fit 2 poles together later in this guide).

If you choose to buy your metal pole from a trusted supplier like the Curtain Pole Store, you’ll get access to metal poles in a variety of lengths, from 120cm to 500cm - making it even easier for you to get the perfect pole.

What are the best metal curtain pole brands?

When choosing a metal curtain pole it’s important to buy from a trusted and well rated brand. Whilst metal curtain poles are usually very durable and long lasting, there are some suppliers who will cut corners by using poor quality product material - so it’s worth doing your research so you don’t end up having to replace your poles in the near future.

Some metal pole brands that our experts at the Curtain Pole Store trust include:

  • Rolls
  • Speedy
  • Swish
  • Universal

Can you get metal eyelet curtain poles?

Absolutely. Most metal poles are available as eyelet curtain poles, however we recommend avoiding the smaller sizes (i.e 19mm) since the brackets won’t be able hold the curtain poles far away enough from your wall.

For metal eyelet curtain poles, 28mm is usually the ideal choice.

Fitting Your Metal Curtain Pole

How will my metal curtain pole be supplied?

If you buy your metal curtain pole from the Curtain Pole Store, then you’ll get everything you need to fit your pole included in your delivery. This includes all your finials, brackets or rings, plus any of the essential accessories and fixtures required to fit your pole securely.

Not all suppliers will include these in the price of your metal curtain pole - so be sure to check when making your purchase.

How do I cut a metal curtain pole?

If you need to cut your metal curtain pole down to the correct size for your window area, you’ll be glad to know you can do this yourself at home without having to hire a handyman or getting any specialist equipment.

To cut your metal curtain pole down to size we recommend using a hacksaw or a plumber’s pipe cutter. This will give you a neat, clean cut so your metal pole looks its best.

Mark off with a pen where you need to cut before using the equipment and be sure to secure your pole beforehand to help avoid any accidents.

Expert tip: If your metal curtain pole arrives in two pieces, remember to cut an equal amount off each side.

How do I fit a metal curtain pole?

Once you’ve cut your metal pole down to size (if necessary), then it’s time to fit your pole in place so you can admire your newest home feature.

Here’s a step by step guide for fitting your metal pole in place safely.

  1. Get your tools ready
    Before you begin, make sure you have all your equipment required to fit your pole. This includes:
    1. Hacksaw or plumber’s pipe
    2. Drill (with drill bit)
    3. Tape measure
    4. Screwdriver
    5. Step ladder
    6. Spirit level
    7. Your curtain pole & accessories
  2. Measure the length
    You should have already measured the area where your curtain pole will sit in order to get the best sized pole. Now it’s time to mark those measurements on the wall.

    Start by measuring the width of the window recess. Then, using a pencil, mark roughly 15cm out from each side. This will give your curtains enough space to hang without blocking any light.
  3. Mark your centre point
    Next you need to measure the centre point of where your metal pole will sit. To do this, use your measuring tape to measure the width of your window, then divide this by two to get your measurement. Use a pencil to mark this point on the wall.

    Most people position their pole around 15cm above the top of the window, so mark the wall this 15cm distance above the centre point.
  4. Measure the end brackets
    Your metal curtain pole will usually need to have two end brackets in place at either end of the pole. This is usually positioned around 10cm in from the end of the pole - so make a mark on the wall at these points.
    You will also need to add further brackets, evenly spaced out across the length of where the curtain pole will set.  Use your personal instruction sheet (supplied with your curtain pole purchase) to determine where these will be placed, then make further marks on the wall using a pencil to highlight these measurements.
  5. Fix your brackets
    Now all your measurements are clearly marked, you’re now ready to fix your brackets. Drill holes at your marked bracket points, then use a screwdriver to fit your brackets in place.
  6. Fit your metal pole
    Finally it’s time to fit your metal pole in place. Attach to the brackets then tighten everything up so that your metal pole is securely in place.


What happens if my metal curtain pole comes in two pieces?

If the pole comes in two pieces, you will usually be supplied with a connector to allow you to join these two pieces together. A bracket will be required at either side of this joint pole, plus a third bracket will need to be fixed in the centre of the pole to make sure it’s secure.

How many brackets do I need for my metal curtain pole?

If you buy your metal pole from the Curtain Pole Store, then the exact number of brackets required for your pole to be fitted correctly will be supplied as part of your order (along with clear installation instructions). However buyer beware: not all pole suppliers will include this in the price, so be sure to check with your supplier to make sure you order the correct number of brackets to fit your pole securely.

Metal pole care

How long will my metal pole stay in place?

When bought from a respected seller, metal curtain poles are incredibly durable so you should not have any issues with your metal curtain pole falling down or bending. Usually, any issues with metal poles are caused when brackets are fitted incorrectly rather than the pole itself being an issue.

How do I clean my metal curtain pole?

Your metal curtain pole will need to be cleaned on a regular basis to keep it looking it’s best and wowing your guests! We usually recommend dusting them weekly, incorporating it into your usual cleaning routine so that you remember to do it.

Avoid using harsh chemicals or wax. A feather duster or soft dry cloth is ideal for cleaning your metal curtain pole safely. Using liquids, even water, may lead to damage such as rust, so dry is always best.

Buy a metal curtain pole today

We hope you found our expert buying guide useful. Now you know everything there is about buying a metal curtain pole, we recommend you browse the Curtain Pole Store’s extensive selection of quality metal curtain poles today and find the ideal pole for your property.

Metal Curtain Poles

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Rolls Modern Country Wooden Curtain Poles The Modern Country Range - a collection of hand-painted and stained wood curtain poles hand finished in the UK with timeless finial designs.

Rolls Modern Country Wooden Curtain Poles The Modern Country Range - a collection of hand-painted and stained wood curtain poles hand finished in the UK with timeless finial designs.

Rolls Modern Country Wooden Curtain Poles The Modern Country Range - a collection of hand-painted and stained wood curtain poles hand finished in the UK with timeless finial designs.

Rolls Modern Country Wooden Curtain Poles The Modern Country Range - a collection of hand-painted and stained wood curtain poles hand finished in the UK with timeless finial designs.

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